Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Break!

Christmas break is almost over.  That makes me sad.  During the break I've taken a nap everyday, shopped, gotten a pedicure and massage, and done absolutely nothing.  It's been awesome.  I will definitely be refreshed and recharged for the remaining 5 months of school.  The school year tends to fly by after Christmas.  I love it!  The kids also get a little antsy because they know school is almost out.  It's gets really bad at the end of March/beginning of April when the sap rises.  I pray that I have the patience to deal with them.  As the break draws to an end I want to leave a little advice for teachers and parents.

To the teachers:
  • You have what you say.  If you say you have bad kids, then you have bad kids.  If you say you have good kids, then you have good kids.  It works. Trust me.
  • It's the time of year where kids and teachers get a little stressed out due to *cue evil music* STATE TESTS.  Teachers, please remember that the kids have just as much pressure on them to pass as you do to make sure they pass.  Check your attitude and act accordingly.
  • Teachers who have to help with state test, ie watching other people's classes, giving up your room for tests, administering/proctoring, please do not whine and complain about it.  The rest of us don't care.  We are all affected by SATPs.  If anyone should be griping, it should be the kids.  They actually have to take the tests. 
  • It's also the time of year where we're pretty solid in knowing who's going to pass or fail.  Don't give up on the ones that are right on the edge.  They may pull it off with a little encouragement from you. 
  • Look at how you teach and manage your classroom.  Would your favorite teacher be proud?  If not, fix it.  Shelia would be proud most days:)
  • Treat each student like the person they're capable of becoming not like the turd you see sitting in front of you.  If you treat a student like a jailbird, then guess what? You may be their next victim.  I've seen it happen.  Each child has gifts and talents on the inside of them.  They need someone to help them pull it out.  Why not be that somebody?
  • Treat every child as they are your own.  This is hard for me because I don't have kids.  I try to treat them how I would want mine treated.  Sometimes I suck at this but I give it my best effort. 
  • And finally, keep fighting the good fight!
To the parents:
  • Please do not call or email your child's teacher raising all kinds of cane because you just noticed your child is failing.  They've been failing since August.  Where have you been?
  • If your child is failing and you have been in contact with the teacher regularly, now is the time to ask what your child needs to do to pass.  A lot of times teachers will work with kids if they are willing to work.  If the parent and the child are concerned with the grades then teachers are more willing to help a child pass.  If you don't contact the teacher we'll assume that you're a parent who doesn't care about their child's progress. *side note I had a student who had failed my class twice, meaning she was in my class 3 times, and I didn't meet her mother until the 3rd year.  Lack of parental involvement is detrimental in a kid's academic success.*
  • On Parent-Teacher Conference Day, show up!  And ask questions.  Normally only the parents we don't need to talk to show up.  We need to talk to the parents whose kids who have Ds and Fs.
  • When you do come to PTCD please don't say, "This is the 1st I've heard/seen of him misbehaving and failing.  Why haven't you contacted me?"  Uuhh... The phone number we have is disconnected or wrong. 
  • That brings me to my next point, if you have a child that you know isn't the sweetest child and you haven't heard from his teachers, check to make sure the school has your updated contact information. 
  • Remember, teachers are not the enemy.  We are there to help.  You may not like our methods, rules, or delivery but we do what we feel is best for our kids. 
  • On PTCD or any conference day really, please do not tell us that your child is not capable of certain behaviors and that he doesn't behave that way at home.  We don't have time to sit around and make up stories about your child.  Chances are if we're calling you about it, then it's happening.  We don't like to call just for the fun of it. 
  • And finally, just like I told the teachers, keep fighting the good fight!  It's almost over.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

All is fair in war and lunch!

As I mentioned Tuesday, one of my coworkers thought it'd be a good idea to let me get eaten by a rat.  Naturally I wasn't going to let that go.  I had to get him back.  Yesterday during 7th period he left campus.  As soon as he backed out of his parking space operation "Don't mess with Griff" took flight.  I prepped my kids for the plan ahead of time so they were ready for action.  The lookouts took their places and the others began working.  All of his student desks were stacked on top of each other.  His bookcase was moved to the opposite side of the room.  The podium was put on top of the stacks of desks.  His teacher desk was moved up against the wall.  Then the words "Ha Ha" were spelled out with books.  It was great!  As class went on I kept thinking about what was done and how we could cover up the fact that it was me who did it.  Right before class ended I had my kids mess up my room really bad so it would look like both rooms were vandalized.  Well, this morning I get a phone call from the assistant principal asking if I had vandalized my room. 
Principal: "G, did you vandalize your room yesterday?"
Me:  "Why would I do that? That's silly"
Principal: "Well somebody vandalized your room."
Me: "They did what? Is it bad?"
Principal:  "It's pretty bad.  I'll just let you look at it when you get here."
Me: "Was I the only class?"
Principal:  "No, (insert name) room was hit too."
Me: "Really?"
Principal: "Yeah, we're about to go get (head principal) now and pull the tape over the last 12 hours or so."
Me:  "Is it really that bad to where we have to get (head principal) involved?"
Principal:  "Yes."
Me: *panicking slightly on the inside* No you don't have to do that. I think I know who did it."
Principal:  "Who?"
Me: "I messed up (insert name)'s room."
Principal:  "We'll talk about it when you get here."

I was going to let this go as long as I could but he just got all serious with it.  *rolling my eyes*  Anyway, I got to school and assistant principal is cracking up.  Everybody is laughing except rat teacher.  He's mad.  I mean he's pissed.  I don't know if he knew it was me at that point.  When he found out it was me he laughed a little then tried to explain himself.  I didn't really care because it was funny to me.  He pouted about it for the majority of the morning.  Hopefully he learned his lesson.  If there's a rat, tell me!!!  LOL

Yesterday was early release Wednesday aka Professional Development Day.  This was one of the better ones because it was something that we could actually use in our classrooms.  It had something to do with movement in the classroom.  I tried some of the stuff today and most of the kids enjoyed it.  I had a few that couldn't figure out what any of what we did had to do with learning or helping them learn.  I had no answer because I obviously wasn't paying attention.  Ha.  I told them it had something to do with blood flow to the brain being restricted when you're sitting too long and if you're moving around the blood can get to your brain and you can think.  I don't think they bought it.  Hey, I tried.

I got evaluated today during 4th period.  It went well considering the fact that I had no plan for the day.  Well, I did but it was the wrong plan.  My 4th period somehow got a day ahead of my other classes and I didn't realize it.  So I pull out the stuff for today and they're like "we already did this." I'm standing there looking like crap.  So I just stood up there and improvised.  The kids knew what was going on so they went with it.  It was great.  I even implemented some of the strategies we learned in the workshop.  I'm sure that got me a few high marks.  When the administrator did leave, my kids were relieved.  I guess they were tired of pretending.  LOL.  They're something else.

6.6 more days until Christmas break!  Ooo-wa! Ooo-wa!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!

So today one of my co-workers set me up.  It was time for lunch and as usual I go to the kitchen area and get my lunch out of the fridge.  As I go be-bopping in the office, there's a freakin' mouse!  A mouse!  I did what every woman would do.  I screamed, hollered, and ran.  As I'm on the verge of hysteria one of my male co-workers comes out of his classroom killing himself laughing at my hysterics.  He then proceeds to tell me that he was waiting on me to go in there so he could laugh.  What a turd!  There was a parent in the office at the time and she had to come check on me.  LOL.  He just doesn't know... He's started a war... *evil laugh*

Conversations overheard in other teacher's classes:
“Uh huh!  There are some countries where cows or chickens bark.  If you see a Spanish animal, their language changes just like the people.”

"Coach So and So, don’t some cows like produce chocolate milk?” 

"Boys run faster than girls cuz they got more stamea than girls"

Today everyone's favorite administrator was on my hall.  One of my boys had asked if he could step outside and fix his pants.  I said yes.  As the kid was adjusting or whatever it was that he was doing the administrator walks by. 
Principal: "Boy! Whatchu doing out here in this hallway?"
Kid: "I'm fixing my pants"
Principal:  "You need to get yourself together! All at school looking sloppity sloppy!"
Kids in classroom: *dying with laughter*

Most of the time my kids crack me up and provide me with endless amounts of stories and entertainment.  The past few days they've been breaking my heart.  I've got a sensitive group this year and everything affects them.  Sunday during basketball practice one of the players was in a funk.  I mean a BIG funk.  Well, he had to run punishment laps because he had gotten a detention.  He didn't want to run them.  He walked them.  Coach told him to run.  He walked a little faster and swung his arms.  Coach got onto him for being disrespectful and told him to get it together or turn in his jersey.  He took the jersey off and called his ride.  Everybody is puzzled by this because this is so out of character for him.  After practice his mom wanted to talk to the coach to find out what happened.  They talked and she said that the kid said the same thing.  She was at a loss like the rest of us were so she asked coach to talk to him.  Coach pulls kid aside and tries to talk to him.  Kid completely shuts down saying he doesn't want to talk about it because it hurts too bad.  Of course this sends up all kinds of red flags.  Coach prods him a little more and basically what happened was that his dad dropped him off at the mom's house.  The mom told the dad that they were about to leave and the dad cursed the mom out and an argument stemmed from there.  That upset the kid so bad that he couldn't practice.  He said he just couldn't get that out of his head.  I just wanted to hug him.  He's such a good kid that's trying really hard to do well in everything.  Parents, please be careful what you say in front of your kids.  It really does have an affect on them. 

That's just one instance of the sadness that's filled my heart concerning my kids.  I don't want y'all all crying reading my blog so I'll save it.  Only 7.6 more days until Christmas break!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Teachers drink because of these things...

One of my coworkers sent this to me and I thought it was pretty funny.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"We don't know what you packing!"

Today my repeaters were discussing the hostage situation in Wisconsin that happened Monday.  I asked them what they thought caused him to do this since the papers haven't said what triggered this.  I then asked them what, if anything, would cause them to want to hold their teachers and/or classmates hostage.  They said nothing is that serious to them.  They asked me if I was afraid that would happen to me and what would I do if it did.  I'm not afraid and if it did happen I'd call on Jesus.  Toward the end of the discussion one of them made this comment.  "Miss G, you ain't got to worry about us holding you hostage.  We don't know what you packing!"  LOL!  It's good that they recognize my gangster.  Ha!

Today was rather boring.  We had class in the library today because of the state test retest so my kids were a little off today.  They don't do change well. 

Yesterday was the English II retest and a few of the kids were really nervous as well they should be.  All state tests have to be passed before a kid can graduate high school.  A lot of the kids testing were seniors.  How would you feel if you were a senior on the verge of not graduating because you couldn't pass the state test?  Well obviously some of my coworkers failed to understand this yesterday.  They were downright rude and ugly to one particular student during her meltdown.  It took all I had to hold my tongue.  As an educator, you should be concerned with your students.  It doesn't matter what type of behavioral issues the child has had in the past or how you feel about the child personally.  You should encourage all of them.  Maybe if she was being encouraged from the beginning instead of being written off as a "drama queen" she wouldn't have nervous breakdowns before the test.  I understand she has made a reputation for herself but she still needs her teachers, counselors, and administrators rallying around her encouraging her to do her best.  Standing there calling her a drama queen is not going to help her.  If I treated some of my coworkers the way I really felt about them I'd have a lot of enemies.  Ok, let me get off my soapbox.  I just get so irritated and upset when somebody is picking on my kids.  If I get this upset over my students I can only imagine how I'll be with my own kids.  Y'all better watch out!

11.6 more days until Christmas break!  Remember the book drive!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Candy Coated Turds

Did y'all miss me?  I missed blogging!  I'm trying to figure out exactly what it was that I was so busy doing to where I couldn't blog regularly and I came up empty.  Dah well...

If you're a teacher then you know that your kids can be the biggest, fattest, smelliest turds in the history of America.  They will get on your nerves, make you want to cuss and punch things, and possibly take up drinking and smoking.  You'll want to call them mean things and slap their mommas and daddies for raising such awful children.  Then all of a sudden, they'll do something so sweet it'll bring tears to your eyes and you forget that they just glued their fingers together and busted an ink pen in their mouth.  My 4th period class did just that.  My granny has been going through chemo for her breast cancer.  She had to have surgery to remove the lump and I was slightly worried about the whole situation.  Well a few of the girls in 4th period made sweet cards and sent them to her.  I almost cried reading them because they were so sweet.  They always ask about my granny.  It's funny how your kids take on your cares sometimes and adopt your family as their own.  Granny loved her cards by the way!

Recently, I saw a former student of mine at Kroger.  He was one of those kids that I had to pray long and hard before he came into my room everyday.  He was a dirty, sneaky kid that wanted so bad to be a good kid but that bad kid just kept screwing him over.  He was eventually kicked out of school for his behavior and I never heard from or saw him again.  Anyway, I saw him at Kroger and I didn't recognize him.  He called my name and I had to look twice.  When I recognized him, I stopped and chatted with him.

Me: "So what are you doing with yourself these days?"
Kid: "I'm working down in Magee."
Me:  "Oh yeah, I remember your sister telling me that. You know I teach Susie*"
Kid:  "Yes ma'am.  She said you were a bitch."
Me:  *blank stare*
Kid:  "I told her that you were like that when I was in your class and you probably weren't gonna change."
Me:  "At least I'm consistent."
Kid:  "Yup, well I'm gonna go.  It was good seeing you."
Me:  "Likewise."

Uuuuhh....  How was I supposed to respond to that?!  I just laughed it off.  When I got back to school I told his sister what he told me.  The look on her face was priceless.  LOL.  I haven't had any problems out of her since then.  LOL!  She's scared... And she should be.

My repeater class has been working on state test stuff.  While they're working they like to sing or rap for some odd reason.  They're usually pretty quiet when they do this but not on this particular day.  I wish I could have recorded the foolishness.  I felt like I was at the American Idol try outs minus the good acts.  It was awful.  The only thing I could do was laugh.  Now whenever I hear any of those songs on the radio I laugh.  I can't even enjoy them anymore.

A student in my 4th period was telling the class about her grandpa being on life support when one of my brilliant pookies spoke without thinking.

Kid 1: "My grandpa's on life support."
Me:  "I'm sorry to hear that."
Kid 2: "Why are you sorry?"
Me:  "Because her grandfather is on life support."
Kid 2:  "That's a good thing tho."
The whole class:  *frowns* "What?! No that ain't good!"
Kid 2:  "But I thought life support was when you got money for being old."
Me:  "Uh no.  You get money from child support but not life support. Life support is when you're basically depending on a machine to live."
Kid 2: "Oooooohhhhh...."

They're so silly. 

Third period was a little loud and active the other day and I had to keep telling them to be quiet, sit down, stop touching so and so, etc.  It was getting rather annoying because they had work to do and they weren't working.  Sensing my frustration with them, one of them suggested we play a game.  We played roller coaster.  If you got out of your seat then you died since you fell off the roller coaster.  My response? A big fat blank stare.  Amazingly it worked.  They didn't get up or touch their neighbors.  The second part of the game was that the roller coaster was in the library so they couldn't be loud.  At this point I was just like whatever.  It worked so who cares. 

We're still doing the book drive so get your books to me!  Thanks!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cootie Kings and Lint Lickers

Today involved lots of "counseling," cheering up, analyzing children, giving boyfriend advice, giving parents advice, etc.  Basically I felt like I should have been a counselor or psychologist/psychiatrist instead of a teacher.  First there was the conference.  It involved the parent, regular and special ed teachers, a principal, a counselor, and a psychiatrist.  It was crucial.  The kid is struggling in his classes but we can't really figure out why.  That's why the SPED teacher and psychiatrist were there.  That was the 1st conference I've ever walked out of not really knowing how to help the kid.  Like, I felt bad for him.  Something isn't adding up or clicking here.  I'm going to figure this out!  I'm going to pray about it and go from there.  Something just ain't right here. 

After the conference was the homeroom drama.  Once homeroom started I noticed a student, who is normally upbeat and cheery, was the opposite of her normal self.   I didn't say anything to her because I figured she was upset about the game last night (she's a basketball player).  Another student came and asked if they could go in the hall and talk.  I said sure and asked if I needed to come too.  I went out in the hall and they told me what was going on.  Her boyfriend used to date a girl on the basketball team.  They broke up and he started dating my student.  Well apparently he's still in love with the ex girlfriend and he can't be with my student anymore.  She was all upset.  I gave her the whole "you'll have 20 more boyfriends before you graduate from high school so it's not the end of the world he didn't deserve you anyway" speech.  She wasn't fully buying it.  Next, I told her how to get over it.  And finally, as is my custom when my girls are terribly upset over a cheating boyfriend, I wrote her a little note to keep in her notebook to look at when gets down.  Her note said... KM is a cootie king.  She cracked up.  Notes from the past have said boogers, lint licker, turd, and other gross, funny words.  I'm not deep or inspirational so that's all I got.  They love the notes and they actually keep them.  Sometimes you don't have to be all deep and inspirational to make a situation better. 

During 3rd period a former student came by my room all teary eyed.  My kids were working on a worksheet so I stepped out to talk to her.  Her boyfriend was cheating on her too and she found out in the principal's office after the so called other woman tried to fight her.  Poor thing.  I gave her advice on how to be "nicety" and move on with her life.  I talked to the guy about it too.  He appeared to feel bad about the whole thing.  He said he was going to get her back and leave that other girl alone.  I know you're wondering why he cheated but I won't tell.  Let's just say it was easy to do. 

After all of that I sat and reflected on my high school boyfriends and giggled.  It all seems so serious then.  Oh to be young and in love. 

My repeaters are working out of the English II state testing handbook.  Right now we're doing fact and opinion.  The other day we were reading an editorial dealing with education and basically it said that kids are failing because teachers suck.  That sparked a serious discussion with them.  They said that it's not the teacher's fault all the time.  A lot of times it the kids fault because they just don't want to learn sometimes.  Then they went on to explain that sometimes teachers don't teach on their level or relate the material to them so they don't want to do the work.  It was a really interesting conversation.  It made me think about what I'm doing in my classroom to make sure my kids want to learn. 

Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Monday, November 1, 2010

"Don't drink the Kool-aid if you didn't fix it"

Thursday and Friday we talked about revenge.  I told them the story about how my brother and I got revenge on each other when I lived at home.  This sparked them to tell stories of the tricks they've played on their brothers and/or sisters.  One kid told a story and gave the moral at the end.  Basically her brother drank her Sprite, so she drank all the Kool-aid.  He beat her up because it was his Kool-aid.  The moral? "Don't drink the Kool-aid if you didn't fix it." 

Friday, my Asperger's student spoke in front of the class.  I told the SPED teachers and 1 of his former teachers and everybody was so excited!  He had to teach his classmates a new word.  His word was preclude or prolonged.  I don't remember.  Anyway, they kids were so quiet when he gave his word, a sentence, and the definition.  He's really coming out of his shell.  Yay!

I've got to do a better job of managing my time so I can keep up with my blog.  I did better during volleyball season.  Basketball is about to start so I'm really going to have to work.  Maybe I should get an assistant to grade all my papers for me that way I can do everything else.  Any volunteers?

Today we were reading a story about 2 brothers.  The younger brother is mentally challenged and the older brother doesn't like him.  Anyway, the older brother nicknames the kid Doodle.  He names him that because nobody expects much from someone named Doodle.  From that quote a conversation about names came up.  We discussed the story of Marijuana Pepsi Sawyer and how they would respond if they were a CEO doing some hiring.  They said they wouldn't hire her because of her name.  I asked them why.  They told me because she might be a drug head or they couldn't take her seriously.  It was rather interesting.

Remember the book drive!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"I'm a huntee. Boys hunt me."

Today was the 1st round of literature circle presentations and I was a little disappointed.  They didn't perform like I thought they would.  When it was time for the Real-Life Connectors to get up, my 3rd period was silly, as usual.  The Real-Life Connector's job was to connect the story or part of the story to something that has happened in real life. 
Kid: "The part where he says 'The world is made up of 2 classes--hunters and huntees,' I connect it to real life cuz I'm a huntee.  Boys hunt me."
Me: *blank stare*

Seventh period reverted back to their beginning of the year behavior.  And their presentations sucked.  *sigh* I was quite disappointed with their performance.  I told them too.  I did the compliment, correct, compliment thing.  It doesn't hurt as bad.  Thursday we should have better behaviors. 

I had 2 conferences this morning.  Both parents seemed to be really concerned and wanted to help the teacher.  A lot of parents come in to conferences thinking/saying that the teacher is picking on their kid.  Uh ma'am?  I don't have that kind of time to single out your kid and pick on him or her.  Your child is just a turd.  I digress, the parents that I met with this morning were really supportive and had a lot of questions.  One even took notes!  Both took what we said and said they were going to consider some tests and things like that.  It's nice to know that the parents are on our side. 

During the 2 conferences it was easy to pick out the new teachers.  They're the ones who want to save the world.  They think they can save every child and make them want to learn.  By January they'll have a whole new outlook.  You can't save them all.  If you can save 1 then you've done well, more than 1 you're a star.  Now there's nothing wrong with wanting to save the world because the children are the future and all the other cliches.  You just can't wear your heart on your sleeve.  These kids will break your heart.  Some will melt it.  I love all of my kids but I know I can't save them all.  I'm not making fun of new teachers, heck I thought the same thing my first year.  It's actually funny when I think back on it.  I was nice and I sucked.  LOL.  I've made a complete 360.  It's obviously noticeable too.

It's basketball season, which means it's noise talking season!  I love talking noise with my kids.  I don't really watch either sport enough to talk noise but I know the important stuff.  I even have shirts made.  The Celtics won tonight so I have to talk smack to the Heat fans.  I just don't like the Lakers so it doesn't matter who they play, I'm still going to talk bad about them. Ha!  My kids love it!

Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Also the volleyball team is selling tickets to the Belk charity sale for $5.  Let me know if you want to buy 1 or 10.  You can ask me or a volleyball girl.  Thanks!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Report card time=sad children

It's been awhile since I've posted.  I know y'all have missed me.  Honestly there hasn't been much action going on in Room 300.  Report cards went out Thursday and boy were there some sad sad children.  One thing that 9th graders coming from the middle school have to learn is that they are no longer in middle school.  They come in and laugh and joke and play the 1st 9 weeks and swear they're going to pass.  I constantly remind them that this in fact is high school and they have to actually work.  They just didn't believe me.  Until now.  They've been rather quiet since they got their report cards.  They didn't understand how they failed.  It was foreign to them.  A few kids thought I made up their Fs.  Uuhh no.  I had to go back and show them all their grades before they believed me.  Why would I purposely fail a kid?  Don't they realize that I teach the repeaters as well?  That means I'll have to see them again NEXT year as a 9th grader.  Why would I torture myself like that?  I'm not crazy!  I might lose it periodically throughout the year but I'm not certifiable crazy.  But don't tell my kids that.  I like for them to think that so they'll leave me alone. LOL

Speaking of my repeaters, they were really on my nerves today.  They want to complain about us doing the same thing we did last year this year.  Uh, this is a REPEATER class.  That means we repeat things.  I've tried to come up with different things for them to do but they don't appreciate it.  Because of that, I've decided to quit.  They're going to be working on their own.  They don't want my help so I'll keep it.  We'll see how long it takes before they beg me to come back.

Since reports have gone out I've had 3 phone conferences and I have 3 face to face conferences this week.  I've been practicing my lines for the conference.  "Johnny is smart, he just doesn't apply himself."  "Johnny can learn, he just has to want to."  "Johnny just needs some extra tutoring and he'll get it."  I talked to a repeater mom today and it was the 1st time that I've talked to her.  This is her son's 2nd time in my class and he's STILL failing.  She was all concerned and worried that he wasn't getting the material.  I told her straight up that he's just lazy.  She didn't like it but she knew it was true.  My question is, where were you last October when he was failing?  Where were you at progress report time when he was failing?  Why are you stressing me now?  Parents, be involved in your child's life.  Contact the teacher frequently.  Yes we hate it but at least we know you care and you'll be taken more seriously when you call inquiring about your child and wanting a conference.  Most teachers don't mind an email once or twice a week as long as it's a valid email.  Email us and ask us what we're doing in class, are there things that you should know about, when is the next test.  Those things are things you as a parent has the right to know.  Stopping a teacher in Wal-Mart to ask how your child is doing is most likely going to get you a lie.  I teach 180 kids. Unless your child is really terrible or really spectacular I don't really remember exactly what's going on in class.  After 3:45 I try to lose Miss Griffin and find Kristin especially on Fridays.  Now, please don't think that I don't care about your child because I do, more than you'll ever know.  However, like I said I teach about 180 a week.  I can't remember everything about everyone of them, sometimes I forget their names.  I try really to remember the important stuff though.  Maybe I should dedicate a blog to the parents, giving them tips on how to deal with teachers and stuff.  A lot of parents go about it the wrong way and it causes the teacher to be on the defense all the time.  It's just not good for anybody.

Enough about that, we've been practicing our response to literature and writing in class.  They're really good at this.  I've added another challenge to it.  They have to teach the class.  We're doing Literature Circles.  They take a story that we've read and basically dissect it.  They get in groups of 5 and each kid has a role.  One kid comes up with open ended discussion questions and they lead the class in a discussion.  Another connects the story to a real life event.  Another connects the story to another story they've heard or seen, usually a book, movie, or television show.  Another finds words in the story that they didn't know or that their classmates may not know and teach them those words.  And the last kid is the summarizer.  They just sum up the story.  Tomorrow they'll present what they've come up with.  I'm interested to see how they did, especially my 7th period. 

This week we're reading a story dealing with revenge by Edgar A. Poe.  Naturally, their journal entry for this week has to do with revenge.  We're going to discuss whether it's right or wrong, can revenge sometimes be too harsh, what could someone possibly do to make you want to harm them, things like that.  We'll see what we get.  Next week... sacrifices.  Not like animal sacrifices, that's just too much, but sacrificing something to help others.  Hopefully they're learning how to connect literature to real life and gaining a love for reading. 

Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Also the volleyball team is selling tickets to the Belk charity sale for $5.  Let me know if you want to buy 1 or 10.  You can ask me or a volleyball girl.  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Yo momma booty so stanky..."

"...How stanky is it?"
*laughter erupts*
Me: "That's it? Where's the rest of it?"
*more laughter*
Me: "Seriously, I don't get it."

Sometimes I think that my kids are quite crazy.  Second period was doing their lesson on hyperbole and pun yesterday and they were sooooo silly.  They couldn't get through a single joke without cracking up.  The ones they did get through didn't make any sense.  "Yo momma so hairy, when she squeezed her boob play dough came out."  What?!  He explained that on an episode of "Family Guy" that all of Peter's hair fell out and he made a comment about being made of play dough so he could just make some more hair.  Peter then proceeded to squeeze play dough out of his head.  *sigh*

At the end of everyday I pick up random pieces of paper off the floor and read them.  Yesterday I found 2 good notes.  One of them was a rap.  Yeah, I know. Everybody wants to be a rapper.  I'm not talent agent or a rap expert but I know what this child wrote wasn't good. 
I am very boring so all the whoes be snorring.  I (bad word) so many hoes I got wetness on my peanus.
After I read the 1st line I was done.  I laughed really hard.  I spelled it just like he did.  This is sadly funny.  I don't know who wrote it but I have an idea.  I'm going to talk to him tomorrow once I get the giggles out.  The other note I wrote was equally as bad.
Boy: "So Susie* wat do I look like now?"
          A. Ugly
          B. Cute
          C. Alright
Girl: *circles C*
Boy: "So if I find somebody that u can hook me up with would u do it for me I got u $5 Friday! And that's on 5."
Girl: "I guess but im goin tuh sleep bye!"

LOL! Why is he trying pay for a girlfriend?  Why did he give her ABC choices? What is wrong with these children???  So many questions...

Every year I have a kid or 2 that tries their hand at roasting me.  Today one of my kids told me that I was breathing like a fat person.  Keep in mind that I was demonstrating something that required some extra energy.  Last night at the 9th grade game he kept jumping off sides costing the team yards.  I politely reminded him that at least I knew which side of the line of scrimmage I was supposed to be on and I knew when I was supposed to move.  He dropped his mouth and the kids exploded.  He was like, "how do you know about that?" and all this other jazz.  I told him that I'm not the one to talk about because I don't play fair.  He laughed and we joked back a forth for a minute while everybody was finishing up their writing assignment.  His classmates told him to just quit.  LOL

My 7th period has really been impressing me this week.  They are really getting into the class discussion and reading.  They're quiet and they are deep thinkers.  The quotes that we respond to aren't necessarily the easiest quotes to interpret but they are doing great.  Today we talked about a distorted view of the idea of survival of the fittest.  The quote was "Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and if need be taken by the strong.  The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure." I asked them what it meant, if they agreed, why or why  not?  Their responses were really good.  One kid put it in terms of men being strong, women being weak.  Women were put here for men's pleasure.  Then he threw in his own interpretation of the Bible by saying women are supposed to please their husbands.  If they don't they're sinning.  That sparked a major discussion. Those girls were mad.  One kid pulled out his Bible and told him that that was not what that verse said.  I was like wow.  Some of them disagreed because of abuse, bullying, friends committing suicide.  They didn't think that those victims were put here just to be bullied and abused.  They really opened up today.  Of course we didn't get too deep into anybody's business but we shared enough to make them feel comfortable discussing. 

Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Also the volleyball team is selling tickets to the Belk charity sale for $5.  Let me know if you want to buy 1 or 10.  You can ask me or a volleyball girl.  Thanks!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I have no title

Saturday I talked to my Asperger's mom and I was telling her that her son received a detention for being late.  I was telling her that I'd take care of it so don't worry about it.  She said he needed to go because she told him and his sister to get their acts together the night before and they didn't.  As a result they were tardy for school.  He had to serve the detention.  I actually feel bad:(.  Then she went on to ask the usual parent questions: how is Johnny doing, is he behaving, blah, blah, blah.  I told her that he's doing fine and he participated in class discussion on Friday.  She seemed surprised.  She said that she was glad I told her because he doesn't tell her anything when she asks.  He gives her one word answers.  Apparently, I'm the only person he'll really talk to.  It's probably because I make him talk to me.  LOL.  Today, he didn't use his words.  He made signs.  He got a pass today because he got another detention this morning.  Tomorrow it's back to using our words. 

Today, we continued to read the short story "The Most Dangerous Game."  We have a bit of class discussion before we read which is always interesting.  It also shows me how my kids think and how intelligent they can be.  There was a quote in the story that I chose to discuss.  "The world is made up of two classes-the hunters and the huntees."  I asked my kids what that meant to them and whether or not they agreed.  The majority of them put it in terms of male and female with the hunters being men and huntees being the women.  Men go out into the world hunting jobs, financial security, and women.  They bring home what they hunt to the women.  The women in turn nurture what the men bring home.  Another thing they discussed was the hunters being the strong people in the world and the hunters are the weak.  One kid said it has to do with smart and not smart.  They did really well with the discussion and they actually wanted to read the story.  Grammar wasn't their thing.  Reading stories about a man who got bored hunting animals and decided to hunt humans obviously is.  Who knew?

Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Also the volleyball team is selling tickets to the Belk charity sale for $5.  Let me know if you want to buy 1 or 10.  You can ask me or a volleyball girl.  Thanks!

Friday, October 15, 2010

"Yo momma hair so short..."

"...she gotta roll her hair with rice." LOL!  You guessed it, more hyperboles.  Today's group weren't as funny as the previous days. 

Yesterday I got evaluated during 7th period and they were their usual selves.  During class discussion time one of the kids obviously forgot that we had company and said something completely off the wall.
Me: "What do you consider to be the most dangerous game?"
Kid: "Basketball."
Me: "Why do you say that's the most dangerous game?"
Kid: "Cuz you can jam your finger if you catch the ball wrong, get elbowed in the face, and get your nuts stepped on."
Me:  *blank stare* "You remember how we talked about over sharing? Well that was 1 of those times."

My Asperger's kid participated in class discussion today!  He raised his hand and volunteered to read his paragraph that he had written.  I was super excited and so were the other kids.  I didn't see his hand raised because he barely raised it.  The kids were like, "Miss G, Billy* has something to say."  I was like what?  He got nervous because all the kids were focused on him but he did well.  I'm so proud.

Not much has really happened these past 2 days, which is a good thing.  Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Also the volleyball team is selling tickets to the Belk charity sale for $5.  Let me know if you want to buy 1 or 10.  You can ask me or a volleyball girl.  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Why did the head cross the road?"

Today my 5th period class was learning about hyperboles and puns.  A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration and a pun is a play on words.  During my explanation of hyperbole I told them that a lot of your momma jokes are hyperboles because they always exaggerate a flaw that somebody's momma has.  After the explanation of each  I gave my kids the opportunity to make up some examples of each or give some examples that they already knew.  One kid said, "Yo' momma so fat she uses Highway 18 for a Slip-n-Slide." LOL! I cracked up.  The majority of the kids didn't think it was funny.  That was because they didn't know what Highway 18 was.  *smh*  For pun I told them that a lot of Laffy Taffy jokes are puns.  I gave them a few examples then I let them tell me some.  "Why did the head cross the road? To get some Hennessey." *blank stare*  The kids cracked up and I had to laugh too because it was so stupid.  LOL.  A few kids didn't get it because #1 it didn't make sense and #2 they didn't know what Hennessey was.  How do I know this? They asked me what it was. 

Later on in the class we were talking about allusions.  I was explaining to them that an illusion is a reference to a literary or historical event or person.  I told them the story about how my daddy said I had hair like lamb's wool, making an allusion to Jesus.  Well one of my boys didn't make the connection and said that I was still sexy to him even if I had hair like a sheep. *blank stare*  Naturally I had to go into my sexual harassment speech.  Then I told the basketball coach since he plays basketball.  He'll probably run him to death.

6th period was also going over literary terms.  They weren't as fun as my 5th period but that's ok.  I was reading the word and making them read the definitions when we came to the word "mood."  There was a kid in there that wasn't paying attention. 
Me: "Mood."
Kid: "Cow"
Me: "What?"
Kid: "You said 'moo' so I said 'cow'"
Me: "I said mood."
Kid: "Oh"

Needless to say he eventually was moved to the chicken coop.  He didn't have his act together.

Today was a half day so we could get developed professionally.  The topic of this professional development was TST.  This time there was no evil music.  LOL.  We finally got clarification on what we're supposed to be doing and the purpose of TST.  It makes so much more sense now.  We all sighed a sigh of relief at the end of the meeting. 

The buses weren't lined up the same way today so my Asperger's child missed the bus home.  He was so worried.  He doesn't do change well at all.  I just so happen to be walking out of the building and I saw his red shirt.  I walked over and the assistant principal kind of had an "I don't know" look on his face.  I asked him what happened and he spoke a whole sentence to me!  He said he couldn't find his bus because they had a bus change.  Poor thing. He had to call his momma to come get him.  That worried me until he got picked up.  I hope that doesn't affect him negatively.  He was actually progressing quite well. 

Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Also the volleyball team is selling tickets to the Belk charity sale for $5.  Let me know if you want to buy 1 or 10.  You can ask me or a volleyball girl.  Thanks!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"You talk white."

Today while going over formal and informal language, one of my new kids told me that I talked white.  I asked him to explain what he meant by that.  He said it's because I talk proper. 
Me: "So what you're telling me is that black people don't talk properly?"
Kid: "No that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying you talk white."
Me: "I don't understand."
Kid: "See I'm part white myself and I talk proper sometimes.  Other times I use my slang."
Me:  "So, let me get this straight. White people talk proper and black people use slang."
Kid:  "No, you just don't get it."
Me (to the class): "Can y'all explain to me what it is to talk 'white'?"
Other kids:  "We don't get it either. It sounds like he's saying that black kids don't know how to talk correctly."
Kid:  "Just forget it."
Me:  "No I want you to explain.  If you're bold enough to make a statement like that then you should be prepared to defend yourself."
Kid:  " I can't.  You don't understand."
Me: "You're right. I don't.  I don't understand the term 'talking white.'  My parents raised me to have some sense and to talk properly.  They raised me to be educated.  So no I don't talk 'white.'  I talk right."

He just stopped talking after that, which was fine with me. 

During the same class period while we were going over dramatic, situational, and verbal irony, the same kid had something else to say.
Kid: "Miss G, how come in the movie the white girl always falls while she's running?"
Me:  *blank stare* "Please shut up."

Every time he said something that was related to race, he'd justify it by saying, "See I'm half white myself." Or "I'm half black so I'm not being racist."  This kid was really just worrying me today with his comments.  I don't think he took his ADD meds today.  He had something to say about EVERYTHING today.  When he first transferred in, all the kids thought he was cool and the girls thought he was cute.  Not anymore.  Every time he says something they all sigh, huff, or say "gah shut up."  He made enemies quickly.

My Asperger's kid was in a good mood today.  He was giggling and laughing today.  I don't think I was that funny today.  Well, I take that back.  My kids were laughing pretty hard today.  I was on a roll.  LOL

My 7th period class started off on their best behavior today.  I told them that I was proud of them and I really appreciated them behaving.  They stayed that way for about 15 minutes then they were almost back to their old selves.  They're weren't as bad as usual but bad nonetheless.  They're getting better though.  Focus on the positive...

Friday one of my kids asked me to do his make up.  Yes I said his.  What is wrong with these kids???

Don't forget about the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"You're my girlfriend!"

Yesterday was Disney day at school so I dressed up as Jessie from the movie "Toy Story 3."  At the end of the day one of the female students asked who I was supposed to be.
Kid: "Who are you today?"
Me: "I'm Jessie from Toy Story."
Kid: "You're my girlfriend!"
Me:  "Uuuhhh... No."
Kid:  "Uh huh! I was Buzz Lightyear today."
Me:  "Yeah that came out wrong on so many levels."
Kid: "Well, that's not what I meant Miss G. OMG!"
Me: *laughing*

Today, I got a chance to cause some of my boys to poke their chests out a little farther.  I have to share my room with another class during my planning period.  The teacher was trying to get the boys to settle down so he could get the roll called and stuff.  During all of this he looks over at me and says, "Miss G, you're my witness.  You hear them talking without permission."  I told him that I did hear them and that none of the kids that I taught were the ones misbehaving because my kids know how to act and respect adults.  I then went through the room and pointed out all of my students and sure enough, they were the ones being quiet.  The other boys in the room just kind of sat there stunned like, "Oh no she didn't!"  My boys had the biggest grins on their faces because they know I expect them to behave in all of their classes.  They know I'll snatch them up right there if they're misbehaving and I see them.  At the beginning of the year I told them that they were my adopted kids from August to May and I expect them to behave a certain way.  For the most part they behave. 

Speaking of behave 7th period behaved a little better today.  They got their work done with little correction.  They got a little loud but it wasn't too bad.  They worked hard today.  I was proud.  I almost hated putting those Fs on their 9 weeks exams.  Only 7 of 34 passed.  I was disappointed at 1st but it didn't last long.  I know I did my part as a teacher to help them.  They didn't want to learn or pass.  The 7 that did pass are the ones that are quiet, respectful, and hard working.  Maybe the rest of them will see that and adjust their behavior.  They seem to be getting it.  We'll see as the year progresses.

Today I noticed that my Aspberger's kid wears a red shirt to school everyday.  I asked him if his favorite color was red and he said no.  Are Aspberger's kids OCD? 

My 5th period class will be known all year as the doo-doo breath class.  Today they were talking when I didn't want them to be.  They were being more silly than rude.  They were full of jokes and giggles and just couldn't focus on their work.  So I told them that the next person that talked had doo-doo breath.  They giggled and 3 seconds later they all started talking again.  At that point I began calling them doo-doo breath and they cracked up.  I lost that battle.  LOL.  They were extra silly today so we just laughed and told jokes while they worked on their assignment.  Sometimes that's what you have to do to keep the peace.  I'm all about keep the peace and my sanity.

The French teacher made beignets today. OMG they were so good.  I ate 4 and completely blew my diet for the day.  I had powdered sugar everywhere.  I love beignet days:)  I think I'm going to buy her a can of biscuits so she can just make me a whole can when she makes them again. 

Remember the book drive!  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Miss G, you got a boyfriend?"

Yesterday, during 7th period, one of my boys thought it'd be a good idea to get in my personal business.
Kid: "Miss G, you gotta boyfriend?"
Me: "What?"
Kid: "You gotta boyfriend?"
Me: *blank stare*
Kid: "No, I'm serious. Cuz I'm about to start driving.  You gon' let me pick you up and bring you to work when I start driving?"
Me: "You do realize that what you're saying could be considered as sexual harassment and you could be expelled from school?"
Kid: "What?! I could be expelled? Just forget everything I just said."
Me: "I will."

Usually I get that from the my little black boys.  This was one of my white boys.  This is the same kid who told me that he just wanted to do enough in school so he could work at Bass Pro Shop.  Meaning, he wants to get his GED and work there for the rest of his life.  Right...

This week was exam week and my poor 9th graders got some rude awakenings.  Before I gave the exam I asked them if they had any questions or if there was anything I needed to go over.  Most of them said no but I had a few in 3rd period that needed some extra help.  I reviewed for about 30 minutes.  I pass out the tests and sit at my desk to start grading papers.  Shortly after I sat down, a hand went up.  I get up and walk over to the student.  His question? "What's a pronoun?"  My response? "You didn't study, did you?"  A few minutes later another hand went up.  "What's a conjunction?"  A few more minutes later another hand went up.  "How do you find the predicate nominative again?"  Finally I told them to stop asking me questions about things that they had in their notes and should have studied.  I reviewed them for 30 minutes and none of those questions came up.  In  another class a kid asked when were they going to be able to retake their exam.  Uuuuhhhh... never.  Unless of course you fail my class, then you can take it again next year.  7th period wrote me notes on their papers saying they don't remember me teaching any of this.  Uh, what have you been doing all 9 weeks???  These kids are silly.

I discovered that one of my kids is blue/green colorblind.  The way I found out is sad yet funny.  I was grading my 5th period's exams while they were working on something else.  I was calling them up 1 at a time to see their grades when I got to my colorblind kid's paper.  I had graded their papers with a blue marker.  I showed him his paper and he asked me what it said.  I pointed to the grade and expressed my disappointment in it.  He made a 27.  He put the paper right up to his face.  Then he covered it with his hand as if he was blocking it from the light and was like that's good!  I was very confused.  A 27 is an F.  It's a bad F.  I asked him if he saw what he made and he said, "Yeah, I made a 96."  I gently told him that he did not make a 96.  I had to whisper what he made in his ear his grade before he got it.  That boy couldn't see!  It would explain why he doesn't do the work on the board if it's written in blue.  He can't see it!  I just hope I remember that in the future.

My repeaters were really excited today.  They came in the room crunk this morning.  Usually they're pretty mellow when they come in.  They were all at each other's throats.  I don't know what happened prior to my class but I sure as heck didn't like it.  They FINALLY calmed down when it was time to take their exam.  During the exam someone's phone vibrated.  I wasn't about to make a big deal about it during exam week since that's more important so I told them to just turn it off.  Why did the whole class pull out their phones to turn them off?  I just shook my head.  If I were a mean teacher I would have called a search.  But I'm not.  That would have been an unnecessary battle.  I think that's where a lot of teachers mess up.  They don't know how to pick their battles.  Yes, rules are rules. I get that.  However, I also get that exam week is not the week to be suspended from school because a child wouldn't give up his/her phone. 

My school is having a book drive fundraiser.  We're collecting books, cds, and DVDs to help raise money for the football and basketball facilities.  If you have any books, cds, and DVDs you want to get rid of please contact me.  You can leave a comment here, call me, text me, Facebook me, tweet me, email me, whatever.  I'll come pick up the stuff or I can meet you somewhere.  Since I coach volleyball and we play in the gym I want to help as much as possible.  It costs you nothing but maybe a little gas.  You'll be getting rid of some clutter!  Thanks!

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Is Florida a state?"

Today, during 6th period, a group of boys were discussing vacations and where they've been.  One kid brought up Hawaii.  The other boys thought Hawaii was close to Florida.  While they were discussing the geographical location of Hawaii, one kid was confused.  He didn't think that Florida was a state.  He argued with the other boys for about 5 minutes before they brought me in to their foolishness.  He was devastated to find out that he was wrong.  Didn't we learn our states and capitals in the 3rd grade?  He obviously was absent that day. 

My Monday started off like most Mondays.  I laid in the bed until the last possible minute then did a mad dash to get ready for school so I could be on time for our faculty meeting.  Usually our meetings are about what's going on that week, any changes we need to make, and any other information that's important to us functioning as a school.  Well, this morning's meeting left a lot of teachers frustrated and rather irritated.  The topic?  TST *cue evil music*  TST is the process of putting kids that are failing on Tier plans to give them a little extra help.  On paper it's a great idea.  However, the task of putting the plan in, getting the kid and the parent to participate, doing the follow ups is quite daunting.  Everything is the teacher's fault.  Never mind that the kid has a parent at home.  I won't say too much else about it though.  Just the thought of TST makes my heart beat fast and my palms sweat.  Bush was wrong for this NCLB crap.  That is all.

My 6th period class's behavior is still improving.  I'm so proud.  My 7th period had to learn a very hard lesson Friday.  They're continuing to be disrespectful, rude, talkative, etc.  Well, they had a test scheduled for Friday.  I was going to let them take the test with a partner and use their notes, book, and ask for help.  Pretty much it was going to be an easy test.  It was going to be my last attempt to help boost their averages and review them for their exam.  I'm nice like that.  They showed out terribly.  As a result of their behavior they had to work alone, no book or notes, and no help from me.  They were sick.  There are a few good kids in that class and those kids got to use the notes and I helped them.  The rest would raise their hands to ask and I had nothing for them.  They fussed about it saying it wasn't fair that I helped some and not others.  I told them that it isn't fair that I have to constantly tell them to be quiet and listen either.  They were silent the rest of the period.  I still wouldn't help them.  They need to learn that they can't just be good when they want/need something.  They have to be good all the time.  We'll see how tomorrow goes. 

This week is our homecoming week.  I didn't dress up today and the kids were really surprised because I usually participate.  The dress up days this year are kinda weird.  Whenever I went to school we had cool days.  I dressed up all the time.  We had twin day, opposite day, pajama day, camo day, I don't remember what else. Oh! 70s day was another.  I probably won't dress up any this week.  Well, I'll do camo and spirit day.  I just don't see myself wearing a toga or dressing up like a Disney character. 

For those of you that pray, I ask that you say a prayer for the teachers and those that run the schools.  You really need to pray if you have children in school.  Schools are losing focus on what's important, the children.  I would love to talk to the people that are passing all of these education reform laws and making all of these cuts and invite them to my classroom to see what I do everyday.  They wouldn't last a whole day.  I would also like to talk to the higher ups on a local level because they've lost focus.  There are good teachers leaving the field because of all the rules and stuff being passed down from people who either have no idea what it means to be a teacher or have been in an administrative position so long that they've forgotten what it means to be a teacher.  With that said, just pray that those in authority will get a clue and we as teachers can educate the future properly.  Our future is doomed if we keep this up.  *gets off soapbox*

Thursday, September 30, 2010

They just didn't want it

Last night was our last regular season volleyball game.  It was the qualifying game for the district playoffs.  My girls knew that we needed to win in order to go to the playoffs.  The game started at 5 and at 6 we were getting back on the bus with our heads lowered.  They did not play at all.  They gave the other team 2nd place.  They just didn't want it.  We could have easily had 1st place but instead we ended up 3rd out 3 teams.  It's like they're content with losing.  I will never understand a losing mentality.  Apparently they do. Next year... 

The other day I was bragging on my 6th and 7th period classes.  Well... I take it back.  They did good for a minute then they forgot how they were supposed to act.  Monday I had to leave early because of our volleyball game and 7th period showed their behind.  They were so bad that nobody wanted to come watch them Wednesday when I had to leave.  I was fuming.  I had to beg somebody to watch my class Wednesday.  Before I left I dared them to talk and threatened them with severe punishment.  When I got done fussing their eyes were buck and they were afraid.  Another teacher was walking by my room as I was fussing.  She said she was coming to tell me something but when she saw me fussing she decided against it.  She said she was scared and she didn't do anything. LOL.  6th period wasn't as bad.  They were just a little more talkative than I would have liked.  Nothing a few detentions won't handle.

Now that volleyball season is over I don't know what to do with myself.  I left school at 4:10 today.  I haven't left school before 6:30 in 2 months.  I'll finally have some energy to do stuff now.  I might even start cooking! LOL yeah right. 

We ran out of hand sanitizer today.  I ordered some with my EEF money (the money we get every year to buy supplies) but they said I couldn't order hand sanitizer saying it's not necessary to education or some bs like that.  My theory is if the kids are sick then they can't learn because they're not at school.  Therefore hand sanitizer is necessary to kill the germs that make kids sick and have to miss school.  Now I have to spend my own money to buy sanitizer to last us until May.  I'll be hitting up Sam's this weekend.  9th graders are already germy.  They need sanitizer!

The 1st 9 weeks is over.  9 weeks exams are next week  Where did the 1st 9 weeks go?! I didn't realize it was 9 weeks exam time until my kids asked me about it the other day.  I just knew I had another week or so.  Next 9 weeks, I'll be ready.

My posts have been sporadic this week.  I've had so much going on and I've been worn slap out.  I should be back to posting regularly now since volleyball season is over.  I'm still upset about that.  I'll just prepare for next year.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today during 4th period one of my guys was telling us about how he was going to have his own television show when he got older.  The name of the show would be "For the Love of (insert kid's name)"  I told him that the quality of the girls on those types of shows isn't always the best and he should be careful so he wouldn't catch anything. 
Kid: "But it be some fine girls on them shows."
Me: "Fine girls can have AIDS too."
Kid 2: "Yeah, some of those girls might have gonnesyphiherpelis!"
Me: (thoroughly confused) "They have what?"
Kid 2: "Gonnesyphiherpelis!  They probably got all of them."
Me: *blank stare*

Yesterday I had to sit in on an IEP meeting for a kid that transferred to our school.  For the non-teachers that read my blog an IEP meeting is where a committee consisting of a SPED teacher, a general ed teacher, a counselor, an administrator, the parent, and sometimes the child.  Sometimes a psychiatrist or other mental health personnel sit in.  In these meetings we discuss the child's ruling, the problem that keeps them from learning, and we come up with a plan for them to succeed.  We discuss any accommodations they may need and educational strategies that will help the kid.  Anyway, I sat in on a meeting for a kid that has emotional issues and the whole time I'm sitting there thinking, "I'm gonna have to fight this kid to get him to act right!"  Basically this child has problems controlling his anger with authority.  In the meeting I told him that he wouldn't make it in my class with that kind of attitude.  And of course he was originally in my biggest class.  I think he would have made #34.  That wouldn't have been good for the type of emotional issues he has.  At the end of the meeting a discrepancy in his IEP was pointed out.  The line for race was blank.  When was asked what his race was he said that he was black and white but he preferred white.  LOL. I don't know why that was funny to me.  I guess he was trying to make his race work for him.

Speaking of race, some kids in my 6th period class are so ignorant to certain things.  They were having a conversation about swimming.  A white kid was saying that he couldn't swim and the black kid didn't believe him.  They went back and forth for about a minute or 2.  The black kid made the comment that he could swim and the white kid said, "No you can't. You're black."  I looked at that kid all kinds of crazy.  I corrected him and told him that I was offended because I'm black and I know how to swim.  He was confused as to why I was offended and couldn't believe that I could swim.  That just goes to show you what he's learning at home.

Guess whose 6th and 7th period classes are behaving? MINE! They have been so quiet. I know it's only Tuesday but I celebrate all victories, even the small ones.

Tomorrow is our last regular season volleyball game. We have to win tomorrow in order to go to the district tournament.  When we go it'll be the first time the volleyball team has gone in the history of the volleyball team.  I'm excited!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"She just snapped on me!"

Today a kid came into class with a hat on her head.  I asked her to remove it and that's when everything went downhill.
Me: "Remove the hat please."
Her: "None of my other teachers said anything about my hat."
Me (thoroughly confused) "I didn't ask you about your other teachers.  I said remove the hat."
Her: "I was just telling you."
Me (still confused) "I don't want to converse about the hat. I just want you to remove it. That's that."
Her: "Well maybe I wanted to talk about it."
Me: (blood pressure rising) "You can get out of my room. I don't deal with smart aleck disrespectful children."
Her (all of a sudden turning sweet) "But why do I have to leave?"
Me: "Oh now you wanna be sweet?"
Her: "But what did I do? I took the hat off."
Me: "Why are you still here?"

All she had to do was take the hat off but noooooooo, she wanted to discuss the hat, roll her eyes, and have an attitude.  As a result she was sent to ISD and she missed her test today.  When will they learn...

My 5th period "bodyguards" didn't walk me back from lunch today which was weird.  Usually when we walk back to lunch I have 3 boys that walk with me, one walks in front of me and one on each side.  I don't know why they do it but they do.  I just noticed it maybe last week.  When we get back to the building one of them opens the door while the other 2 stand aside and let me through the door.  Then they get back in formation.  It's hilarious.  One of my "bodyguards" is my Asperger's student.  He's the one in the front. LOL

The moon is still full and the kids are still acting accordingly.  With that being said I'm going to bed. Goodnight!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When does the moon change?

This full moon stuff ain't no joke!  The kids have lost their freakin minds!!  I can't even begin to tell you everything that happened in the past 2 days.  All I can say is I'm tired.  I've had to kick a girl off the volleyball team, sent 13 kids to the chicken coop, calm a lot of testy attitudes before they became monster problems, and diffuse several situations.  It's ONLY Wednesday and tomorrow is pep rally day.  If y'all hear a scream, it's me.  Just call the people to come get me because I've lost it.

Yesterday, was the Algebra I retest and I had to proctor.  That was the longest day of my life.  My room was almost finished testing but they brought in 10 more kids for me to watch.  *sigh*  Luckily, the counselors felt it in their hearts to relieve me so I could go get my children.   I was worn slap out after that. 

My 5th period class handled all of the state test room changes like champions.  All the other kids were running around lost and confused.  Not my 5th period.  Somebody told them that they couldn't come to my class because of testing but they didn't tell them where to go.  So they went to lunch.  They knew that when the bell rang they were supposed to go to lunch and that's what they did.  When I made it to the cafeteria they were in there with their trays and backpacks eating lunch.  LOL.  I was so proud of them for doing what they knew to do.  Then today they messed it up.  I had to take care of an issue today so I sent my kids to lunch and went to take care of the issue.  Well, I get to the cafeteria to find 2 of my boys had gotten into a little altercation.  I had to take back everything good that I had said about them yesterday.  When we made it back to class I let them know that I was disappointed in them for their behavior today.  They promised a change for tomorrow.

My brain is tired and I can't remember all of yesterday and today's events.  If I remember them tomorrow I'll talk about them then.  The 1st 2 months of school wear me out.  Good night! Remember to click on the links to help teachers out!