Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"That's just too much girl for that little yellow shirt."

One of the many life lessons that I try to teach my kids is about appearance.  I make my boys pull their pants up and tighten those belts.  I make my girls cover their "girls" and encourage them to look like young ladies not trash.  A lot of times I get help from the guys when I'm talking to the girls and vice versa.  This morning I obviously was slipping because I let a young lady walk by my room without me correcting her on her attire.  One of my guys was on it though.  He came running in the room all flabbergasted and I asked him what the problem was.  He asked me if I saw the girl in the yellow shirt walk by my room.  I replied that I hadn't and asked why.  He told me that I needed to talk to her about how to dress because "that was just too much girl for that yellow shirt."  He was upset that she wore that yellow shirt.  It's funny how my guys are always so hard on how the girls dress.  They fuss about it like I do.  I remember a kid my first year teaching telling me about a girl that had all her "clearage" out and he couldn't concentrate on his work.  I had no idea what he was talking about so I asked him to repeat himself.  He said the girl had her clearage out while pointing at his chest.  Then it dawned on me that he meant CLEAVAGE.  These kids are silly.

The first of the month siren thingy went off during 4th period seeing as how it's the first of the month.  As usual with any noise, or anything different for that matter, my kids ask a thousand questions.  Most of them knew what was going on and the others just needed their memories jarred then they remembered.  After they established that it was the tornado sirens being tested like they do the first of every month at noon, they went back to work.  Well, all but one went back to work.  He was still confused about the whole tornado siren situation.  He thought that... y'all ready for this?  Ok, he thought that an ambulance drove around the first of every month with the siren on.  LOL!  And he was serious...  Poor baby...

Tomorrow the volleyball team is playing the Pirates.  The Pirates are going down and not with cupcakes!  Ok, that was an inside joke.  I don't remember which one of my classes was in on that. 

Oh snap! I forgot to get treats for our Bingo game tomorrow.  Well foot.  We're playing Parts of Speech Bingo tomorrow as a review.  Guess I'll get up early in the morning so I can stop at the grocery store.  I have a strong feeling that that's not going to happen.  I'll give it a whirl though.


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