Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Myrtle is gonna eat you first!"

After our volleyball game tonight, I brought the girls back to the school.  All of the girls were gone except 1.  My manager and one of my senior players usually waits with me at school until everybody is gone.  Usually everybody leaves pretty quickly but tonight was different.  The kid kept calling her mom and her mom wouldn't answer the phone.  We waited and waited and waited.  While we were waiting we were chit chatting, telling ghost stories.  Suddenly, I start hearing noises.  The girls of course didn't hear anything so we blew it off.  Shortly after the noises started up again and this time my manager heard it.  At this point we're planning our escape.  We all decided that since we were still there because of one kid she should be the one to be eaten by Myrtle (see Myrtle the Ghost).  She didn't appreciate this and called her mom 3 more times to come get her. LOL.  It took me calling the mom to answer the phone and say where she was.  If your child participates in extracurricular activites, please pick them up on time.  We've been with your child all day.  It's your turn.  I know coaches who have called the police to take kids home because mom and dad take their time picking them up.  Imagine how you're going to look when the police pulls up and you're at home watching tv instead of picking up your child.  It's not a good look.  It was about 8:15 when I finally left the school.  Not cool. 

Tonight we had a volleyball game and we lost.  This means we're 2nd in our district.  We HAVE to win our next district game or we're out of the district tournament.  My girls have worked so hard to get to this point and they deserve to go to the tournament.  Now if they keep making simple errors and beating themselves then they don't need to go.  Point blank.

This morning I had a group of guys (not in my class) completely lose their minds.  I walked out of my classroom and they ran to the door and start hollering at me like I was one of their little hoochie momma girlfriends.  I mean cat calling and all kinds of stuff.  I reprimanded them but Friday they get a visit from a police officer or administrator to explain what sexual harrassment is.  I don't have time to be harassed by a bunch of horny 15-16 year old boys.  I don't get paid enough. 

Everybody in my 7th period is behaving except one child.  We're going to have to have a come to Jesus meeting real soon.  The other students have become annoyed with her and her behavior.  She thinks she's funny or whatever.  It's almost like she's trying to see if she can get me flustered or frazzled.  She has yet to learn that there isn't much that a kid can do to bother me.  She'll learn sooner or later.

We took our 1st test today and I'm not sure it went too well.  One kid turned in a test with 5 answers on it.  Out of 50.  Sigh... 

Remember to check the links under the "Check this out" section and vote for Miss Bronson in Limeades for Learning.

1 comment:

  1. I VOTED!! I VOTED!!

