Friday, February 11, 2011

"I don't even know who my daddy is!"

As you all know we've been studying the holocaust in Room 300.  There are some instances in the story that we're reading where Elie stands by and watches his father get beat.  I asked my kids if they would just stand there and watch their fathers get beat and do nothing.  The majority of them said they would because they're daddies just donated sperm.  The rest didn't know their daddies.  I was like wow...  I wasn't shocked because I deal with that every year.  I just somehow forget.  It's a reality that they have to live with. 

Today my 3rd period class made it to the part in the story that references Job.  I asked if anyone was familiar with the story of Job. 
Kid 1:  "Yeah, he that dude that got swallowed by the fish."
Kid 2: "Nuh unh! He got ate by a lion"
Me: *palm to forehead*

Needless to say I had to explain to them who Job was.  I don't guess they teach Bible people in Sunday school anymore. 

Fridays in teacher land are like Christmas.  Every teacher looks forward to Friday.  However this Friday could have been kept.  It started off with sick bus driver.  Once that was handled there was a few minutes of calm.  Once the homeroom bell rang, the fun began!  I entered my room to a student using profanity.  I told him he owed me a quarter for his language.  He got really upset and continued to curse.  I quickly realized that he was upset about something and let that issue go.  I started asking what happened and he continued to be upset and cursing.  He went to the office to cool off.  I got the class settled then stepped across the hall to the office to find out what happened.  When I got in the office there were a gajillion people in there.  I began helping the people in the office (the secretary was helping an administrator) all while checking on my kids and figuring out what was wrong with angry kid.  Apparently someone had stolen angry kid's money yesterday after football practice 6th period.  He had an idea of who did it so he was mad at that kid and he was going to "get him."  I talked to them both, got them calm, and sent them to class.  First period went by pretty calmly.  Third period was full of palm to the forehead, "you don't get to talk anymore" moments.  They were having all types of brain farts.  And then one kid had the nerve to try and cheat on his test.  Sad.  Fifth period was actually ok.  Then there was 7th period.  *sigh*  My SPED child was just really on my nerves today.  I'm not sure that she's been taking her medicine lately because she's been more hyper than normal.  Anyway, she came in the room yelling, talking about a sucker, telling her classmates they were too loud, calling my name 50 gajillion times, etc.  I told her to sit down and be quiet.  She continued to do all of the things I just mentioned.  I had to raise my voice at her and it shocked her and everyone else in the class.  I never yell at her.  Wednesday and today she had just run me ragged.  I had to apologize to her for yelling then explained to her that she needed to calm down because she was disrupting class.  She understood and left the room to go take her test.  She knew I needed a break.  We get each other like that:).  Once she left my class calmed down a little.  They took their test and did their vocabulary words and for the most part were quiet. Then all of a sudden Room 300 became a circus!  I have no idea what happened and why but they just lost their freakin' minds.  I had to reel them back in quickly.  They calmed down then got back crunk and disorderly.  This cycle continued until the bell rang at 3:45.  I was relieved when the bell rang until I walked into the hall.  Two boys were standing there fussing at each other.  Another teacher was already there telling them to get on the bus and go home but they weren't listening.  They were still talking.  So I got between them, dared them to hit me, and to go get on the bus.  They left and so did I... Quickly.  That doesn't seem like a lot when I type it but it was a lot while it happened.  I finished the day with a headache.  Yay... 

I would like to end on a positive note but I have none.  Maybe Monday.

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