On the first day a school it's normal to play cheesy get to know you type games, and this year was no different. I decided to steal an idea from my MIL and have them to tell me what animal they'd be and why. I started it off. I would be a pit bull because I'm all fun and games until you make me mad, then I'll bite your head off. Don't judge me. I had to set the tone for the class. Anyway, here are some of the memorable responses.
I'd be a fish because my eyes are big.
I'd be a koala first then a lion. At first I'm kinda shy and cuddly but then the lion eats the koala bear and I'm loud and bold. It's like a metaphor because the bold lion eats the shy koala, so it's like the shy person dies. (My response was a blank stare)
I'd be an armadillo because I'm flamboyant.
I don't know what animal I'd be because I'm kinda mysterious. Classmate's response-You can be Batman!
I'd be a flamingo because I'm flexible.
Yeah, it's going to be an interesting year...
I have all 9th graders this year with the exception of my homeroom. They're seniors. My 9th graders are awesome! They came in knowing stuff! If you teach then you understand how exciting that is. I had them to do a quick write on what they knew about clauses and they knew a lot. I did the Tiger Woods fist pump on the inside when they started sharing some of the things they knew. The great thing is that it wasn't just my honors kids who knew stuff. It was ALL of my kids. They all have a good foundation in English.
I have already started to pick out the clowns in my classes. During the introductions I had a kid who said he liked to dance. I had him to come and show us some of his moves. He starts his routine then he ends it with, "Then I just start sliding and shit."
"Excuse me?"
"I just start sliding and shit."
*giggling from class*
"Um, you do realize that you can't just use profanity in class, especially when you're talking to the teacher?"
"Ooohhhhh, I didn't even realize I had cussed! I'm sorry!"
Like, really, kid? You cuss so much that you don't even realize when you do it?
Another kid decided that he was going to give step by step on how to twerk. He said that the reason most girls can't twerk is because they haven't loosened up their hips. He then proceeded to demonstrate how to do so. His introduction was cut short.
This year I have the honor and the privilege to have a special group of seniors during homeroom. This group of kids has met all of their graduation requirements except one. They haven't passed their English II state test. I have 3 or 4 chances to get them to pass this test. The first opportunity is September 16 and 17. We've already started working on some things and I know they're getting it. I have prayed for them and their minds. I have prayed for myself and my mind. I told them that I wanted to see all 22 of them walk across that stage in May 2014 to get their high school diploma. It's one thing for me to believe that they can pass it, but it's another thing for them to believe it. I'm asking everybody to get in agreement with me that they'll pass it the 1st time. I know that I can't do this alone, so pray that I have wisdom on how to teach them. Pray that they believe that they can do it. Pray that they aren't anxious or worried about it. Pray that their memories are blessed. Pray that we have the mind of Christ. I know we can achieve many things when we work together, so pray with me.
It's going to be a great year! In the words of the great Liz Foster: "We're gon' have school at Terry School!"
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