All this week, my seniors have been acting rather silly. I mean, they've been sillier than normal, if that's possible. Anyway, one of them decided to tell a joke.
"Hey, y'all. Have y'all seen the movie 'Constipation'? It hasn't come out yet."
I'll admit that I chuckled a little. Ok, a lot. It was funny. Don't judge me.
Volleyball season has kicked off and we've started our season with 2 wins! I'm so excited for this season because my girls are playing so hard and doing what they know to do. We're going to win it all!
Tonight was "Senior Sign the Wall" at my school. I always get a little misty eyed during this time because I had them when they were scared little freshmen and now they're big seniors. They're about to start applying for college, to start working on the last push to boost their GPAs, and to take the ACT. They're no longer the scared, quiet little kids I knew. Some of them have turned out to be really amazing kids that I'm proud to have taught.
Last week I had to call a parent because her son received a detention from me. Somehow during the course of the conversation she made the conversation be about me and what I was doing wrong and not about her son who was obviously doing something wrong or he wouldn't have gotten the detention. Then, towards the end of the conversation she said, "He's a little slower than the other kids because being an only child, I sheltered him. It's my fault that he's slow." Wait, what?! I didn't realize that being an only child meant that you'd be slower than other kids. They may lack some of the social skills that kids with siblings have but it's nothing major. Poor kid. His mom has made him slow and he doesn't even know it.
One of my favorite parents has a conference in the morning and I think I might go just for the fun of it. A conference with this mom will be the perfect start to the school day. This parent has to be one of the funniest people I know. She gets in conferences and tells stories from when she was a child and how big and tough her mom was and how her mom didn't let anybody push them around. It's so much fun! I usually leave conferences with her in tears because she was so funny. During on conference, she was going over her philosophy for her kids. "Get grown, get gone, and own your own home." She had to come back later and add "and get your own car and leave mine the hell alone." LOL She said they got grown, gone, and got a house but didn't have a car so they were bumming rides. I about hit the floor when she said that. I go to conferences with this woman just to go. The last time I went to a conference she asked me why I was there. I told her that I just wanted to sit in and laugh. But as crazy as she is she knows how to encourage you when you're down. When she found out that they had to terminate my pregnancy, she came to the school and offered some encouraging words and a lot of laughs. That really meant a lot to me. Other teachers don't really care for her, but I love her. I haven't seen her much this year and I miss her. I guess I have to get to school early in the morning, so I can catch her. I'm due for some of her foolishness.
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