Thursday, September 16, 2010

"When we get old, the names we have now are gonna sound funny."

Today some kids with, uh, "creative" names came to the realization that their parents jacked them up by naming them what they did.  One kid made the comment that it's going to sound stupid calling an old man (insert creative name here).  I agreed and encouraged them to name their kids something reasonable that they can spell in kindergarten and doesn't include every letter in the alphabet and an apostrophe.  I hate that because I can't ever get the apostrophe in the right place.  Speaking of names, one of my least favorite kids asked me if I was going to name my kid the same name as him when I had kids.  I almost cussed.  I asked him why would I name my kid a name that brings up bad memories?  I'm naming my kids stuff like Bob, John, Sue, and Betty.  They might not even get names.  They'll be Kid 1 and Kid 2.  Teachers have a hard time naming their kids because a lot of names conjure up bad memories and make us shudder at the thought of certain children.  LOL.  Ok, maybe it's not that bad.

Sixth period is in for a rude awakening.  I'm trying so hard to be patient with them but my patience is running low.  They're the type of kids that you just can't be nice to so Monday the nice Miss G will be absent and mean Miss G will be the new teacher.  I'm so tired of them and their disrespectful behavior.  When I talked to the 8th grade teachers at the beginning of the year, I told them who I had in that 1 class and they all apologized.  That lets you know the type of children I'm dealing with here.  It's not the whole class that's acting like turds, just a few.  Those few are keeping the rest of the class from learning.  Monday everybody in that class is going to get a chance to exercise their rights.  They have the right to a free and public education and they also have the right to fail.  Those few that are violating the class's right to learn will begin to exercise their right to fail.  I will not violate their right to fail by continually asking them to be quiet, to sit down, to do this or that.  This usually works for my behavior problems.  They realize that they can't pass without me and they adjust their behaviors.  Some kids just need to fall and bump their heads before they realize that what they're doing just ain't working.  Some kids have to fall a lot in order to get it.  Hence my class of kids that have been with me for 3 years.  My question in all of this is where is the parent?  How do you let your child fail a class 3 times without coming to the school, calling/emailing the teacher, something? It always baffles me but I digress.  Hopefully those guys in 6th period will get it together sooner rather than later. 

I got evaluated again today.  It went well.  We had to put on a show because we were about to take a test when the principal walked in.  My kids are quick on the draw and play along with little prompting.  They are so funny. 

Remember to vote for Bronson at  Also check out the other links in the "Check this out!" section.  Shout out to my momma for supporting all teachers.  Her crown has extra rubies in it for her support of us!  Thanks Ma!  You're the!

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