Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Coach, I'm tired. Can I get a sub?"

Two years ago, one of the 9th grade basketball players made that statement to his coach during a scrimmage game against the 9th grade girls team.  Yeah, he didn't make it the whole year.  That's not the point.  The point is I feel the same way.  I need a sub.  I don't know what I was thinking trying to teach, coach, and go back to school.  Wait, I know.  I wasn't thinking, I was just doing.  It's ok though.  I'll make it.

Friday, one of my homeroom boys thought it'd be a good idea to come into the room and blow kisses at me.  Really kid?  By the time I got done fussing and going over the sexual harassment speech, he was flying back to his seat.  I told the football coach that he needed to talk to his team about appropriate behaviors with teachers.  This morning the kid came in the room in a tizzy because I told on him.  I bet he'll think twice about blowing kisses at the teacher. 

Friday was Pep Rally Day and it went well.  The kids have been behaving really well during pep rallies.  It's probably because it's too hot outside to move around a whole lot.  Even with them being first thing in the morning it's still hot. 

Today's life lesson was mind your own business.  A kid in my 5th period class came to me upset because her current boyfriend, who was her ex-boyfriend a couple of weeks ago but she made him her boyfriend again but he tried to cheat on her so she made him the ex-boyfriend again then she took him back and now he's current again, told somebody they go back together and now some kids are picking on her.  And to top it all off her favorite football team loss.  She was distraught.  I mean, it's bad enough to have boyfriend drama but to have your favorite football team lose... Man...  That's crucial.  Anywho, I had to remind the class that business is free which means they could all afford to get some and get out of other people's.  I didn't even address the football team issue.

Seventh period's behavior is slowly getting better.  They actually worked quietly today for longer than a few minutes.  They must have gotten their ADD/ADHD medications adjusted.  A teacher can always tell when the kids get the drugs changed.  They all of a sudden become little angels.  We can also tell when they haven't had it.  They're turds when they don't have it. 

One of my lower functioning SPED students was telling me about her boyfriend today.  It was the funniest, sweetest, most innocent thing ever.  She was so giggly talking about him.  He probably doesn't even know he's her boyfriend.  Speaking of SPED, my Asperger's student is coming out of his shell a little.  He's starting to interact with the other kids more than he used to.  He laughs at their jokes and stuff.  Like the day I was fussing at them for picking on SPED kids, he was in the back of the room cracking up because they were getting fussed at.  I think he was just glad someone was standing up for him and his peers. 

The volleyball team won their game Saturday! That puts us at 2-2.  Woop! Woop!  Tomorrow we have our 2nd district game at home.  When we win that one, we'll be #1 in our district if I'm not mistaken.  I'm excited!

Tomorrow is Professional Development. Yay... I need to get some sleep so I won't yawn during the meetings.  Good night!

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