Tonight the seniors had their first event to get their senior year rolling. They got to sign the wall. This is a pretty big deal. Your name goes on the wall in the cafeteria and it stays there for 10 years. It's important to sign your name with some pizzazz and creativity. What you don't want to do is spell your name wrong. Too bad nobody told one of my volleyball girls that. She signed her name with such confidence... It was confidently WRONG! How do you misspell your own name?! She tried to fix it but she made it worse. For the next 10 years everybody is going to see that and know that she couldn't spell her name.
I've been blogging so much about my kids that I forgot to talk about my volleyball girls. Our first game is Monday and I'm a little nervous. This is my 3rd year coaching but my 1st coaching by myself. (insert nervous yell). I have a pretty good group of athletes so we'll be fine.
After practice the boys were having basketball try outs. There was a kid ,who was obviously mad that he didn't make the team, standing outside the gym just cussing and whatnot. Me being the teacher that I am corrected him, telling him to watch his language. He obviously didn't know that I was a teacher and he proceeded to say bad words. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and identified myself as an adult. He was obviously raised by wild boars because me being an adult asking him to watch his language didn't phase him. He almost made that Jacktown Ju come out of me. Another teacher was within viewing distance from us and he said when he saw my hand go on my hip and my finger go in the air he knew he should probably come rescue the kid. After he cussed at the coach and whoever else he was mad at, he left. I don't know what crawled up his butt and died but he needs to handle that. As my "favorite" principal would say, "I don't play with children. I raise them."
There was a serious love connection going on in Homeroom today. Now before some of you non teachers start wondering and talking let me tell the story. Everybody in my homeroom came over from the middle school together with the exception of 2 or 3. As usual all the guys migrate to the new girl and girls to the new guy, especially if they're attractive, a bad boy, or a bad girl. This morning was no different. I'm noticing 2 kids nitpicking at each other so I sit back to observe. They're just nagging each other about silly stuff. "Why you looking at me?" "Why you looking at me to know I'm looking at you?" That kind of stuff. After I saw enough I interjected. I asked them if they liked each other. OMG, you would have thought that I had asked them both to eat turds or something. They then proceeded to tell their side of the story. His story in a nutshell was that he was trying to get to know her because she was new but she was mean and he didn't like her. She said he always talks to her, asking if she has a boyfriend, and trying to walk her to class. Both of them giggled the entire time. The class voted and we decided that they liked each other and made bets that they'd "go together" by January. We'll see what they do tomorrow.
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