School has started back and that means new kids, new stories, and new adventures. Excited? You should be! As y'all know I spent the majority of my summer on Pinterest and Teachers Pay getting ready for a fun filled year teaching English I. Weeeeeelllll, on Thursday, August 2 (6 days before school starts) at 3:30 pm all of that planning and pinning was flushed down the drain. I got moved to English II, which is a state tested course. *insert panic attack* I've spent the past few days scrambling around trying to gather myself so I'd be ready for action when school starts. I have TONS of resources and information, but I haven't had the time to sit and look at it all. Thankfully one of my English II cohorts has done the majority of the lesson planning for the 1st few weeks. That gives me a chance to catch up. On top of all of that drama, it's volleyball season. Whew! It's all good. I know that God placed me in the position for a reason, so I just have to lean on and trust Him and know that I'll get through this.
School has been in session for only 3 days and I already have stories. While we were reviewing literary terms and devices the following took place:
Me: "Connotation is the emotion behind a word. If you're trying to hurt someone's feelings you wouldn't say, 'You're so big boned.' You'd say, 'You're so FAT!' That's because the connotation or emotion behind the word fat is negative, whereas big boned is neutral. But let me let y'all in on a little secret: bones don't jiggle, that's just fat."
Kid 1: *looks over at Kid 2*
Kid 2: "Man, get out of my face. I'm not fat! I'm big boned for real."
Kid 1: "I ain't never seen a skeleton with big bones. And bones don't jiggle!"
*Whole class erupts in laughter*
I mean, I shouldn't be mad because they were paying attention to something, right?
It's going to be a great year if these types of things keep occurring. LOL