Monday, February 21, 2011

"I didn't know they had their own language!"

Today during 6th period we were watching a documentary entitled "The Last Days."  In this documentary, Steven Spielburg follows 5 survivors as they go back to their homes for the 1st time since they were expelled from their homes.  They tell about their experiences before, during, and after the holocaust.  Also in this documentary Spielburg interviews 3 American soldiers who help liberate the camp and a Nazi doctor who performed experiments on the Jews.  While interviewing the Nazi doctor, who's speaking German, one of my bright little crayons had an epiphany.  "I didn't know they had their own language!"  The rest of the class just looked at her like "seriously?"  To this she replied, "I just had a dumb moment, huh?"  Uh yeah, you did.

Last week I was talking to my students about how I support all the different organizations at the school by going to games/events, buying t-shirts, or whatever else to support.  One of my kids asked if I was going to support his organization.  I asked what organization.  "PNO"  Me: "PNO?"  Kid: "Yeah, PNO: Poor Nigga Organization."  Me: *blank stare*

I need to brag on my homeroom.  Today the secretary was out so I checked in the kids on behavior plans.  The bell rang while I was still checking them in.  I could still see my kids because I was right across the hall.  Anyway, my assistant, as I call her, came over to ask where my attendance was.  She checked roll then passed out the worksheets for them to work on.  When I got to the room they were working semi quietly without me having to tell them what to do.  I love my kids!  They know what to do even if I'm not in the room.  How many teachers can say that? 

Vocabulary word: corridor
Kid: "I thought corridor was that stuff that pants are made out of?"
Me: "No, that's corduroy."

I stole this from someone on Facebook:  I think this is a great idea!

Are you sick of highly paid teachers?
     Teachers' hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or10 months a year! It's time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do - babysit!
We can get that for less than minimum wage.

     That's right. Let's give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan-- that equals 6 1/2 hours).

     Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day...maybe 30? So that's $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day.
However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.
That's $585 X 180= $105,300 per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).

     What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master's degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year.
Wait a minute -- there's something wrong here! There sure is!
The average teacher's salary (nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30
students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student--a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!) WHAT A DEAL!!!!

This is for all you people who say we're just glorified babysitters.  Pay us like babysitters then!  Thank you and good night!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Full Moon

Full moon + warm weather = A school full of exhausted, stressed teachers.  So much happened today that I'll be up all night trying to blog about it.  I've already cried once and stopped tears twice so I think it's just best to go to bed.  Here's a brief overview:
  1. A kid that I had been working with and encouraging had a bad mental breakdown and is now in a facility.  That has been heavy on me today.
  2. Two more of my kids are moving this weekend due to an unstable home life.
  3. Pregnant kids. 'Nuff said.
  4. Several angry kids
  5. Lots of shouting and profanity
  6. Kids left their common sense at home
  7. SPED kids didn't take their medication today
  8. Several cellphones going off at the wrong time
  9. Angry mommas
  10. Kid's mother passed away
So yeah, I'm drained emotionally and physically.  This is the type of day that makes me want to come home, black out the windows, get in bed and pull the covers over my head and hide.  Tomorrow is Friday.  I hope it's kinder than Thursday. 

If you haven't already told me who you are and where you're from please do so.  I want to see where y'all are from.  Thanks!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Conference Notice

It's that time of year again!!!  It's time for parents to all of a sudden care about their kids' grades and we have a gajillion parent conferences a week.  Yay!  I shouldn't complain though.  At least some of the parents care enough to schedule a conference.  I had a conference with one of my repeaters mom the other day.  It was the first contact/conference I've had with her since August 2009.  I wanted to ask her did she just realize that her child has failed most of his classes and is repeating but I didn't.  I provided my input very nicely and left the conference.  The child came to class today unchanged.  Whenever my parents would have conferences with my teachers, I'd act right at least the next week after the conference.  I had to at least make it look like I was trying.  It's all a part of the game.  *Sorry momma and daddy*  Anyway, this kid was obviously unscathed by his momma's yelling and fussing.  Oh well, he can have his same desk next year.

Monday was Valentine's Day and love was in the air.  Girls walked around with their teddy bears and boys shyly placed roses and other gifts on the girl of their little 9th grade dreams desk.  *Sigh* It was so sweet in a pubescent teen kind of way.  I even got little happies from my kids.  I ended up with 3 roses, a teddy bear, and a coffee mug.  It was kind of funny to watch my boys give me their gifts.  They were embarrassed or something.  It was cute.  I'm just glad they thought enough of me to buy me happies.  I have them all on my desk on display. 

I've been reading about teachers getting fired/suspended for blogging or Facebooking about their kids.  This naturally caused me to think about what I was doing and double check what I'm saying.  I decided to investigate a little bit and see what all the commotion was about.  Uuummm, they were obviously absent the day in teacher school where they talked about some stuff you just don't say because you don't know who hears you.  Then the word LAWSUIT was used.  I paid attention that day because I like having a job.  Everything those teachers said may have been true but it's the way they said it.  I'm not picking sides (I love my job) I'm just saying that they should have used a little discretion.  I get free speech and blah, blah, blah but if you make your school look bad or you piss off the wrong group of parents, you can hang it up.  Teaching can be an extremely frustrating and disheartening career and it's real easy to get caught up in griping and complaining about lazy kids, unsupportive administrators, and parents.  We just need to be careful that we don't lose sight of our purpose in the classroom.  Those kids need us and if we're full of negativity, we can't be effective in teaching them.  It may be cliche but it really does take a village to raise a child.  We see our kids more than some of their parents see them.  We play a huge part in their development.  If you feel yourself getting irritated, take a mental health day.  It'll do you and everyone around you some good.  I've taken mental health days before and I felt better when I returned to school.  And if you must gripe (I'm guilty of it myself) don't put it on the internet.  Save it for a close friend or your mother.  I call my momma everyday after school to tell her about my kids.  She lets me fuss, gripe, and be frustrated then we move on.  *gets off soapbox*

My school is having a book sale to raise money for our athletic facilities.  The date of the sale is March 5th and will take place in the cafeteria.  Come out and support us as we try to raise money!

I got asked today how many followers I had following my blog.  I have no idea!  I'd like to see how many people read my blog.  If you will put your initials and maybe a city or state so I can see where you're coming from!  Thanks!

Friday, February 11, 2011

"I don't even know who my daddy is!"

As you all know we've been studying the holocaust in Room 300.  There are some instances in the story that we're reading where Elie stands by and watches his father get beat.  I asked my kids if they would just stand there and watch their fathers get beat and do nothing.  The majority of them said they would because they're daddies just donated sperm.  The rest didn't know their daddies.  I was like wow...  I wasn't shocked because I deal with that every year.  I just somehow forget.  It's a reality that they have to live with. 

Today my 3rd period class made it to the part in the story that references Job.  I asked if anyone was familiar with the story of Job. 
Kid 1:  "Yeah, he that dude that got swallowed by the fish."
Kid 2: "Nuh unh! He got ate by a lion"
Me: *palm to forehead*

Needless to say I had to explain to them who Job was.  I don't guess they teach Bible people in Sunday school anymore. 

Fridays in teacher land are like Christmas.  Every teacher looks forward to Friday.  However this Friday could have been kept.  It started off with sick bus driver.  Once that was handled there was a few minutes of calm.  Once the homeroom bell rang, the fun began!  I entered my room to a student using profanity.  I told him he owed me a quarter for his language.  He got really upset and continued to curse.  I quickly realized that he was upset about something and let that issue go.  I started asking what happened and he continued to be upset and cursing.  He went to the office to cool off.  I got the class settled then stepped across the hall to the office to find out what happened.  When I got in the office there were a gajillion people in there.  I began helping the people in the office (the secretary was helping an administrator) all while checking on my kids and figuring out what was wrong with angry kid.  Apparently someone had stolen angry kid's money yesterday after football practice 6th period.  He had an idea of who did it so he was mad at that kid and he was going to "get him."  I talked to them both, got them calm, and sent them to class.  First period went by pretty calmly.  Third period was full of palm to the forehead, "you don't get to talk anymore" moments.  They were having all types of brain farts.  And then one kid had the nerve to try and cheat on his test.  Sad.  Fifth period was actually ok.  Then there was 7th period.  *sigh*  My SPED child was just really on my nerves today.  I'm not sure that she's been taking her medicine lately because she's been more hyper than normal.  Anyway, she came in the room yelling, talking about a sucker, telling her classmates they were too loud, calling my name 50 gajillion times, etc.  I told her to sit down and be quiet.  She continued to do all of the things I just mentioned.  I had to raise my voice at her and it shocked her and everyone else in the class.  I never yell at her.  Wednesday and today she had just run me ragged.  I had to apologize to her for yelling then explained to her that she needed to calm down because she was disrupting class.  She understood and left the room to go take her test.  She knew I needed a break.  We get each other like that:).  Once she left my class calmed down a little.  They took their test and did their vocabulary words and for the most part were quiet. Then all of a sudden Room 300 became a circus!  I have no idea what happened and why but they just lost their freakin' minds.  I had to reel them back in quickly.  They calmed down then got back crunk and disorderly.  This cycle continued until the bell rang at 3:45.  I was relieved when the bell rang until I walked into the hall.  Two boys were standing there fussing at each other.  Another teacher was already there telling them to get on the bus and go home but they weren't listening.  They were still talking.  So I got between them, dared them to hit me, and to go get on the bus.  They left and so did I... Quickly.  That doesn't seem like a lot when I type it but it was a lot while it happened.  I finished the day with a headache.  Yay... 

I would like to end on a positive note but I have none.  Maybe Monday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Miss G, you're just like my momma!"

Today one of my boys was having a little girl trouble.  So his friends enlisted my help as I am a girl.  His friends were teasing him about being scared to ask her for her number.  His excuse was he couldn't get it then because I'd lock him out of the room and give him a detention for being tardy from lunch.  I told him that he had a few minutes to go talk to the girl.  We were coming back from lunch so we had a few minutes to spare.  He goes next door while the other class was using the restroom.  I sent my spies to see what was going on.  The report they gave was bad.  He was talking to the girl's friend and not the girl.  I went down to the classroom and witnessed it for myself.  I called his name and told him to get the phone number.  He gave me the "I'm working on it" look.  After about a minute or 2 I told him to come back to class.  I asked him if he got the number and sadly he did not.  *palm to forehead*  This is where, according to him, I turned into his mother.  I went down to her class and asked to see her.  I told her that Bob* wanted to talk to her about something.  He died a little on the inside.  I walked off expecting them to talk.  Yeah, he didn't talk to her.  He talked to the teacher standing there.  *big sigh*  When he made it back to the room he proceeded to tell me that I was acting like his mother and had embarrassed him.  LOL.  After class he came running back in the room with a piece of paper with a number on it.  He got the number.  According to his friends he didn't get the number; her friend gave it to him.  My kids...  They bring me much joy.

Last week we had the reality fair at our school.  The reality fair is where they basically give the kids a glimpse of the real world or life after high school.  They are given a salary and jobs based on their GPAs and are required to buy a house, pay bills, buy a car and groceries; basically do what adults do.  At the end of the "month" if they have money left, they get a Payday candy bar.  If they have no money left they get a Zero candy bar.  It's a really good real life connector and the kids usually come away from it with a better understanding of why school is so important.  My repeaters were given the opportunity to go again because obviously they didn't get it the 1st time.  I was passing out their sheets with their info on it and I ran across one GPA that just really caught me off guard.  Y'all ready for this?  One of my repeaters currently has a......
How the heck do you have a 0.38 GPA?!  What do you do at school everyday?  Why do you come to school?  I'm hoping there was a mistake in the calculation of her GPA because that doesn't make any doggone sense.  Her monthly salary was $800.  She won't make it...

Today my Asperger's kid told the story of Job to the class.  They listen so intently when he speaks.  It's really cute.  We were reading Night by Elie Wiesel, which is about the holocaust.  The main character made a reference to Job in the Bible.  I figured my kids didn't know who Job was so they couldn't make the connection.  However, I asked the class anyway if anybody knew about Job.  One kid told me he led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the land of milk and honey.  Wrong Bible character kid.  Anyway, my Asperger's kid gave the right answer.  His other teachers are always so shocked to hear that he speaks in front of the class.  Apparently my class is the only class he does that in.  It's probably because I make him talk.  LOL

That brings me to my next thought for the day.  At the beginning of each new school year teachers are told not to smile until December.  We're told that because apparently there's a connection between smiling and weakness.  Yeah, I thought it was silly too.  I start the year off with a smile so I can smile all year.  As a teacher, you have to develop a relationship with your kids.  I have a relationship with my kids.  That's why I was able to kid around with the kid from the first paragraph.  He thought it was funny and so did his classmates.  I can count on my kids to take care of me or do what they can if/when I need them.  When I go to the grocery store, they carry my groceries out, even if it's just 1 or 2 bags.  When I'm out the eat, they give me their discounts.  At school, they hold doors open for me, offer to carry my lunch box because it looks heavy, ask me if I'm having a good day, ask me what's wrong if I look like I'm having a bad day then ask who did it so they can go beat them up. LOL.  Even if I tell my kids I'm ok and the situation has been handled, they want to know what happened to make sure it's handled.  My kids know what I expect of them and they act accordingly.  I don't do anything special in my classroom other than care about my kids and teach them.  Are my kids perfect all the time? Heck no.  Are they perfect when they need to be? Yup!  It annoys me when I hear my coworkers talking about their kids being hellions, not doing this or that for them, not buying them Christmas presents, etc.  I want to ask them so bad what is it that they're doing for their kids.  Last I checked we're there for them not vice versa.  You have to give in order to receive.  Let me get off my soapbox.  I'll be here all night.

22 school days until spring break!  Oo wa! Oo wa!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Do cows and horses have babies?"

Today during homeroom one of my bright little crayons asked that question.  I ignored her because she couldn't have been serious.  Her friend brought me back into the conversation.
Friend: "Miss G, did you hear what she said?"
Me: "Yes, I heard her."
Bright little crayon: "Well... Do they?"
Me: "Obviously because we have more than 1 cow and more than 1 horse in the world."
Bright little crayon: "Oh... I thought we just ordered them off the Internet."
Me: *palm to forehead*


This week has been kinda weird.  I've been tired most days and the kids have been bonkers.  Yesterday one of my kids needed to talk so we went out into the hallway to talk.  We were in the hallway for 40 minutes.  Poor kid has so much going on that she feels like she can no longer deal.  She's been through way more in her 16 years than I have in my 27.  I felt tired after talking to her.  Kids shouldn't have to go through what she's been through.  Earlier yesterday I had another kid that needed to vent and I had talked to a mental health consultant about another student.  These kids go through so much and pull off their teachers so much sometimes that I feel like I need to go see the counselor.  On top of that we've had 5 different sets of angry kids.  So you take that, add all the kids who have needed to vent, and you end up with tired teachers looking forward to 3:45 on Friday. 

My classes have been studying the holocaust and they seem to be really interested in it.  They're asking questions and everything, which is awesome.  We're about to do a little side lesson on propaganda and possibly stereotyping.  The stereotyping activity is usually an interesting one.  I wonder how this group will do. 

I'm so sleepy that I can't even think of everything that has gone on since my last blog.  This has been a long week.  Whew!  Spring Break can't come fast enough!!